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I.S.L.A.M., Moors!

Greetings my brothers and sisters, these videos I am extending my arms and hand of friendship to you my fellow Moors. Much love and light to you all. The first cycle of vids I am uploading is straight convo asking about your opinions about certain issues; from a Moorish perspective/metaphysical Kamitic viewpoint.  Educate me and we'll politik,
Peace & Blessings,
Moor-ena El

Moor-ena El: Introduction Greetings to my brothers and sisters, let's chat


Moors and conversations about life and baggage

Moor-ena El on Chat re Moors and Dreams. Moors and breakups in love & relationships

Tamoanchan/Moorish Issues of today: Rasta Livewire: Ladino Moors, Maafa21, Tree of Life, etc

Moor-ena El: Introduction to the newly Awaken Moors.

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